четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

birth defects from drugs

It sure sounds like you had a hectic first day, I am so sorry about that, that is so horrible I am going to give you some advice that I have learned helps ALOT I think it is so good that you brought stuff for them to do, and you had ideas for stuff, I would have been freaking out if I didnapos;t have time to read the lesson plan, and had to think of things on my own. How HORRIBLE But just remember students of that age like and NEED organization. So everything that you are planning to do, you need to re-evaluate it and find ways to make it more organized. The students need to know WHAT to do BEFORE they are given ANYTHING So first you read them a story, that was good make sure you always tell them what you are going to be doing, donapos;t ever ask (and this goes for ALL grades and ages). Tell them that Where the Wild Things are is your FAVORITE book, and you want to tell it to them. Be VERY animated with it, which I KNOW you can do. Ask them lots of questions while you are reading it to make sure that they are paying attention. (what is this guys name, what do your parents do to punish you when you are bad, if you were having a dream like that, where would you choose to go etc). Also when kids act up and need to be re-directed, it is always a good idea to praise the kids who are acting the way they should, and make sure everyone hears you. "Oh wow, I really like how suzie is working so quietly, and following directions" Or use a whole group of kids "I really like how everyone at this table is ready to learn, and they are not (insert misbehavior of other kids here)" Also, its good to have some sort of rewards system. Go to like office max or something, get some tickets, had them out for good behavior, and tell kids that you will draw names for someone to pick a prize (haha and have some prizes from like the 99 cent store or something). Also ok, your next plan of action, have the kids make some monsters. SUCH A GREAT IDEA BUT....again everything needs to be more organized than you think. Tell everyone that you are not going to hand anything out until everyone knoe what to do. Explain the rules FULLY before you pass out anything, especially glue have previous things cut out and such, so as if you are making their monsters. Or hand everyone the same two colored pieces of paper. DON"T give them the googly eyes. Tell them when they are done with their monster to come get the googly eyes from you. Hahaha.

As far as lunch and recess goes DO NOT EVER let them stay in the room with you, walk them out to the playground and do not let them come back, that is ALWAYS A NO-NO Ask the office to show you where the teachers lounge is, and go in there during your breaks, or out to your car.

YOU DID JUST FINE I want you to like the little kids, cuz I know that they are fun, and so are you. I think you can bring soooo many good things and fun things into a classroom. You just have to have the right tools to give to the students to keep them in line. Wait a little bit, and get some more experience, and then try 1st and other younger grades again. The more you deal with kids, the more comfortable you are going to be :) Just keep it up If you need any other advice, let me know :)

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